Electronic Verification



1. The main responsibility of the MPB is the payment of retirement benefits to military retirees and payment of death benefits to Next-of-Kins (NOKs) of deceased personnel of the Armed Forces of Nigeria (AFN). To effectively carry out this responsibility, the Board usually embarks on the verification of military pensioners with the aim of determining eligible and active pensioners on the Boards payroll. These verification exercises were hitherto conducted physically by the Board. However, due to the current security challenges in the country, carrying out physical verification has become increasingly difficult for both the Board and its esteemed pensioners. Therefore, to ease the process of future verification exercises and sustain the integrity of the pensions database, the MPB has developed a system for the electronic verification of pensioners known as the Electronic Verification Management System (EVMS).


2. The MPB EVMS will enable military pensioners carry out their verification from the comfort of their homes using a mobile device without having to gather for physical verification. This initiative will cater to the welfare of military pensioners by helping them to avoid the risk of travelling by road for physical verification, reduce their financial burden, and ensure that they receive their pensions promptly. The maiden electronic verification exercise is scheduled to commence in July 2024.


3. To carry out the verification, pensioners are required to download the Military Pensions Board Electronic Verification App named MPB Verification from the Google Play Store (for Android Phone users) or the AppStore (for iPhone users). The application will take pensioners through a verification process using their National Identification Number (NIN) or Drivers Licence Number and Bank Verification Number (BVN). For a successful verification, pensioners should ensure that the names on their BVN and NIN or Drivers Licence are the same as those on the MPB Database.



Step 1: Agree to the Attestation.

Step 2: To start verification, click on Start Verification. Then, log in using your bank and account number. You will then receive information on the next steps including the need for a valid means of ID, live selfie, and BVN. Valid ID includes National Identification Number or Driver's License.

Step 3: Capture selfie. Review the photo requirements provided and align your face within the dimensional circle and capture the selfie.

Step 4: Input your NIN as your default ID. If you prefer, select driver's license as an alternative. The system will validate your selfie and biodata submitted against information from your National Identification Number or Drivers License.

Step 5: Input your phone number and email address and click on Proceed.

Step 6: Input your 11-digit Bank Verification Number (BVN) and select Proceed. You will then see Verification Completed and your verification will be approved within 48 hours.

Step 7: Click on the View Verification Report button. You can download or share your verification report, which has your unique reference number and code.


If you want to check the status of a previous verification, just click on the Check Verification Status button when the What Would You Like to Do prompt appears on the screen. Enter your reference number and click on the Check Verification Status button.